Pthread mutual exclusion (mutex) locks are used to avoid simultaneous usage of common resources. Several types of mutex locks are defined by pthreads: NORMAL
locks as having the following undefined behavior [Open Group 2004]:
This type of mutex does not provide deadlock detection. A thread attempting to relock this mutex without first unlocking it shall deadlock. An error is not returned to the caller. Attempting to unlock a mutex locked by a different thread results in undefined behavior. Attempting to unlock an unlocked mutex results in undefined behavior.
mutex pthread is also generally mapped to PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL
but is known to vary from platform to platform [SOL 2010]. Consequently, NORMAL
locks should not be used, and ERRORCHECK
locks should be defined explicitly when mutex locks are used.
Noncompliant Code Example
This noncompliant code example shows a simple mutex being created using PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL
. Note that the caller does not expect a return code when NORMAL
mutex locks are used.
pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutex_t mutex; size_t const shared_var = 0; int main(void) { int result; if ((result = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } if ((result = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } if ((result = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &attr)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } /* Critical Region*/ if ((result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } return 0; }
Compliant Solution
This compliant solution shows an ERRORCHECK
mutex lock being created so that return codes will be available during locking and unlocking:
pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutex_t mutex; size_t const shared_var = 0; int main(void) { int result; if ((result = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } if ((result = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } if ((result = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &attr)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } /* Critical Region*/ if ((result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex)) != 0) { /* Handle Error */ } return 0; }
Risk Assessment
mutex locks can lead to deadlocks or abnormal program termination.
Recommendation | Severity | Likelihood | Remediation Cost | Priority | Level |
POS04-C | Low | Unlikely | Medium | P2 | L3 |
Automated Detection
Tool | Version | Checker | Description |
PC-lint Plus | 1.4 | 586 | Fully supported |
David Svoboda
Much better rule. Comments:
Our style (instead of /* Check Eror Code */) has always been:
David Svoboda
This rule is now complete.
Geoff Clare
Recommending that secure programs use error checking (or recursive) mutexes seems reasonable (even though it means they will suffer a performance penalty). However, I disagree with the use of the word "likely" in the risk assessment. The situations in which using normal mutexes results in undefined behaviour are all caused by programming errors. In a well written program (which secure programs ought to be), such situations are therefore not "likely".
David Svoboda
Changed liklihood to 'unlikely'.
Frank Martinez
Would the NCE even compile, given the "{{}}" sequence?
David Svoboda
No. I've fixed the code, it at least compiles now
David Svoboda
I wonder if this rule has an analog using C11 threads.
C11 mutexes support recursive vs. non-recursive locks, and recursive locks seem to offer the same tradeoff in C11 that they do in POSIX...for a small performance cost, they let one thread re-acquire a mutex.
OTOH C11 has no analogue for 'error-checking mutexes'.
So is this rule more useful for requiring recursive mutexes, or is it more for requiring mutexes with error-checking?
Adam Schettenhelm
I was using the compliant solution as an example for initializing a mutex, but `pthread_mutex_init` was failing and returning "Operation not supported". When I called pthread_mutexattr_init() on the pthread_mutexattr_t before calling pthread_mutexattr_settype(), I was able to initialize the mutex successfully.
David Svoboda
I amended both code examples to use pthread_mutexattr_init(), because working with uninitialized attributes violates EXP33-C. Do not read uninitialized memory.
Brandon Casey
Recursive mutexes are not safe to use with condition variables. As Posix explains in the APPLICATION USAGE section of the pthread_mutexattr_settype docs here:
Furthermore, in my opinion, the perceived necessity to use recursive mutexes often suggests a lack of understanding on the part of the author of their locking strategy, which can lead to more problems than a deadlock that is possible (and is indicative of a bug) by using a non-recursive mutex. i.e. problems related to using recursive mutexes can be more subtle and difficult to detect than a bug that results in a deadlock condition.
Aside from the performance implications, I don't see any problem with the recommendation to use error checking mutexes though.