Tool | Version | Checker | Description | ||||||
Astrée |
| Supported | |||||||
CodeSonar |
| HARDCODED.AUTH HARDCODED.DNS HARDCODED.KEY HARDCODED.SALT HARDCODED.SEED | Hardcoded Authentication Hardcoded DNS Name Hardcoded Crypto Key Hardcoded Crypto Salt Hardcoded Seed in PRNG | ||||||
Helix QAC |
| C3122 C++3842 | |||||||
Klocwork |
| HCC | |||||||
Parasoft C/C++test |
| CERT_C-MSC41-a | Do not hard code string literals | ||||||
PC-lint Plus |
| 2460 | Assistance provided: reports when a literal is provided as an argument to a function parameter with the ‘noliteral’ argument Semantic; several Windows API functions are marked as such and the ‘-sem’ option can apply it to other functions as appropriate | ||||||
Polyspace Bug Finder |
| CERT C: Rule MSC41-C | Checks for hard coded sensitive data (rule partially covered) | ||||||
RuleChecker |
| Supported |
Related Guidelines
java | MSC03-J. Never hard code sensitive information |
Hard-coded Password [XYP] | |
CWE-259, Use of Hard-Coded Password |
MSC40-C. Do not violate constraints Rule 48. Miscellaneous (MSC) Rule 50. POSIX (POS)