Tool | Version | Checker | Description | |||||||
Astrée |
| scaled-pointer-arithmetic | Partially checked Besides direct rule violations, Astrée reports all (resulting) out-of-bound array accesses. | |||||||
Axivion Bauhaus Suite |
| CertC-ARR39 | Fully implemented | |||||||
CodeSonar |
| LANG.MEM.BO | Buffer overrun | |||||||
Coverity |
| Partially implemented | |||||||
Cppcheck Premium |
| premium-cert-arr39-c | Partially implemented | |||||||
Helix QAC |
| DF4955, DF4956, DF4957 | ||||||||
Klocwork |
| MISRA.PTR.ARITH.2012 | ||||||||
LDRA tool suite |
| 47 S, 489 S, 567 S, 64 X, 66 X, 68 X, 69 X, 70 X, 71 X | Partially implemented | |||||||
Parasoft C/C++test |
| CERT_C-ARR39-a | Avoid accessing arrays out of bounds | |||||||
Polyspace Bug Finder |
| Checks for incorrect pointer scaling (rule fully covered). | ||||||||
RuleChecker |
| scaled-pointer-arithmetic | Partially checked | |||||||
TrustInSoft Analyzer |
| index_in_address | Exhaustively detects undefined behavior (see one compliant and one non-compliant example). |