The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java focuses on the Java Standard Edition 6 Platform (Java SE 6) environment and includes rules for secure coding using the Java programming language and libraries. The Java Language Specification (3rd edition) [JLS 2005] prescribes the behavior of the Java programming language and served as the primary reference for the development of this standard. This coding standard also addresses new features of the Java SE 7 Platform. Primarily, these features provide alternative compliant solutions to secure coding problems that exist in both the Java SE 6 and Java SE 7 platforms. The following rules provide Java SE 7 Platform specific compliant solutions:
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Languages such as C and C++ allow undefined, unspecified, or implementation-defined behaviors, which can lead to vulnerabilities when a programmer makes incorrect assumptions about the underlying behavior of an API or language construct. The Java Language Specification goes further to standardize language requirements because Java is designed to be a "write once, run anywhere" language. Even then, certain behaviors are left to the discretion of the implementor of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or the Java compiler. This standard identifies such language peculiarities and demonstrates secure coding practices to avoid them.
Software that complies with this standard provides its users the ability to define fine-grained security policies and safely execute trusted mobile code on untrusted systems or untrusted mobile code on trusted systems.
Included Libraries
This secure coding standard addresses security issues primarily applicable to the lang
and util
libraries, as well as to the Collections, Concurrency Utilities, Logging, Management, Reflection, Regular Expressions, Zip, I/O, JMX, JNI, Math, Serialization, and XML JAXP libraries. This standard avoids the inclusion of open bugs that have already been fixed or those that lack security ramifications. A functional bug is only included when it is likely that it occurs with high frequency, causes considerable security concerns, or affects most Java technologies that rely on the core platform. This standard is not limited to security issues specific to the Core API but also includes important security concerns pertaining to the standard extension APIs (javax
Issues not Addressed
The following issues are not addressed by this standard:
- Design and Architecture. This standard assumes that the design and architecture of the product is secure, that is, that the product is free of design-level vulnerabilities that would otherwise compromise its security.
- Content. This coding standard does not address concerns specific to only one Java-based platform but applies broadly to all platforms. For example, rules that are applicable to Java Micro Edition (ME) or Java Enterprise Edition (EE) alone and not to Java SE are typically not included. Within Java SE, APIs that deal with the user interface (User Interface Toolkits) or with the web interface for providing features such as sound, graphical rendering, user account access control, session management, authentication, and authorization are beyond the scope of this standard. However, this does not preclude the standard from discussing networked Java systems given the risks associated with improper input validation and injection flaws and suggesting appropriate mitigation strategies.
- Coding Style. Coding style issues are subjective; it has proven impossible to develop a consensus on appropriate style rules. Consequently, The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java recommends only that the user define style rules and apply those rules consistently; requirements that mandate use of any particular coding style are deliberately omitted. The easiest way to consistently apply a coding style is with the use of a code formatting tool. Many integrated development environments (IDEs) provide such capabilities.
- Tools. As a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC), the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is not in a position to recommend particular vendors or tools to enforce the restrictions adopted. Users of this document are free to choose tools; vendors are encouraged to provide tools to enforce these rules.
- Controversial Rules. In general, the CERT secure coding standards try to avoid the inclusion of controversial rules that lack a broad consensus.
Coding Style
Coding style issues are subjective, and it has proven impossible to develop a consensus on appropriate style guidelines. Consequently, the CERT Oracle Secure Coding standard for Java does not require any particular coding style to be enforced but only that the user defines style guidelines and apply these guidelines consistently. The easiest way to consistently apply a coding style is with the use of a code formatting tool. Many integrated development environments (IDEs) provide such capabilities.
As a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC), the SEI is not in a position to recommend particular vendors or tools to enforce the restrictions adopted. The user of this document is free to choose tools, and vendors are encouraged to provide tools to enforce the guidelines.
Controversial Guidelines
In general, the CERT secure coding standards try to avoid the inclusion of controversial guidelines that lack a broad consensus.