The rename() function has the following prototype.

int rename(char const *old, char const *new);

If the file referenced by new exists prior to calling rename(), the behavior is implementation-defined. On POSIX systems, the file is removed. On Windows systems, the rename() fails, returns a nonzero value, and sets errno to EACCES.

This creates issues when trying to write portable code, or when trying to get the other behavior.

For portability, you must ensure that the file referenced by new does not exist when rename() is invoked.

Compliant Solution (POSIX)

The POSIX {{access()}} function which can check for the existence of a file explicitly \[[Open Group 04|AA. C References#Open Group 04]\]. As with the {{fopen()}} solution, this code contains an unavoidable race condition and consequently can only be safely executed within a secure directory.  In fact the existence check is not really needed on POSIX systems, because POSIX specifies the behavior of {{rename()}} when the file referenced by {{new}} exists.

char const *old = /* ... */;
char const *new = /* ... */;

if (access(new,F_OK) != 0) {
  if (rename(old, new) != 0) {
    /* Handle Error */
} else {
  /* Handle Error */

While the likelihood of access() returning a false negative is lower than that of fopen(), on file systems where the program does not have sufficient permissions in the directory to view the file, access() may return -1 even when the file exists. In such cases, rename() will also fail since the program does not have adequate permissions inside the directory.

Compliant Solution (Windows)

On Windows, [{{rename()}}|] is already defined to return nonzero if: \[[MSDN|AA. C References#MSDN]\]

File or directory specified by newname already exists or could not be created (invalid path)

So it is not necessary to explicitly check for the existence of new before calling rename().

Risk Assessment

Calling rename() has implementation-defined behavior when the new file name refers to an existing file. Incorrect use of rename() can result in a file being unexpectedly overwritten or other unexpected behavior.




Remediation Cost









Related Vulnerabilities

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.


\[[ISO/IEC 9899:1999|AA. C References#ISO/IEC 9899-1999]\] Section, "The {{rename}} function"
\[[MSDN|AA. C References#MSDN]\] [{{rename()}}|]
\[[Open Group 04|AA. C References#Open Group 04]\] [{{access()}}|]

FIO09-A. Be careful with binary data when transferring data across systems      09. Input Output (FIO)       FIO11-A. Take care when specifying the mode parameter of fopen()