When developing new code, declare functions that return errno with a return type of errno_t.  Many existing functions that return errno are declared as returning a value of type int. It is semantically unclear by inspecting the function declaration or prototype if these functions return an error status or a value or, worse, some combination of the two. (See ERR02-C. Avoid in-band error indicators.)

C11 Annex K  introduced the new type errno_t that is defined to be type int in errno.h and elsewhere. Many of the functions defined in C11 Annex K return values of this type. The errno_t type should be used as the type of an object that may contain only values that might be found in errno. For example, a function that returns the value of errno should be declared as having the return type errno_t.

This recommendation depends on C11 Annex K being implemented. The following code can be added to remove this dependency:


#ifndef __STDC_LIB_EXT1__
  typedef int errno_t;


Noncompliant Code Example

This noncompliant code example shows a function called opener() that returns errno error codes. However, the function is declared as returning an int. Consequently, the meaning of the return value is not readily apparent.

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
enum { NO_FILE_POS_VALUES = 3 };

int opener(
  FILE *file,
  size_t *width,
  size_t *height,
  size_t *data_offset
) {
  size_t file_w;
  size_t file_h;
  size_t file_o;
  fpos_t offset;

  if (file == NULL) { return EINVAL; }
  errno = 0;
  if (fgetpos(file, &offset) != 0) { return errno; }
  if (fscanf(file, "%zu %zu %zu", &file_w, &file_h, &file_o)
        != NO_FILE_POS_VALUES) {
    return -1;

  errno = 0;
  if (fsetpos(file, &offset) != 0) { return errno; }

  if (width != NULL) { *width = file_w; }
  if (height != NULL) { *height = file_h; }
  if (data_offset != NULL) { *data_offset = file_o; }

  return 0;

This noncompliant code example nevertheless complies with ERR30-C. Set errno to zero before calling a library function known to set errno, and check errno only after the function returns a value indicating failure.

Compliant Solution (POSIX)

In this compliant solution, the opener() function returns a value of type errno_t, providing a clear indication that this function returns an error code:

#define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
enum { NO_FILE_POS_VALUES = 3 };

errno_t opener(
  FILE *file,
  size_t *width,
  size_t *height,
  size_t *data_offset
) {
  size_t file_w;
  size_t file_h;
  size_t file_o;
  fpos_t offset;

  if (NULL == file) { return EINVAL; }
  errno = 0;
  if (fgetpos(file, &offset) != 0 ) { return errno; }
  if (fscanf(file, "%zu %zu %zu", &file_w, &file_h, &file_o)
        != NO_FILE_POS_VALUES) {
    return EIO;

  errno = 0;
  if (fsetpos(file, &offset) != 0 ) { return errno; }

  if (width != NULL) { *width = file_w; }
  if (height != NULL) { *height = file_h; }
  if (data_offset != NULL) { *data_offset = file_o; }

  return 0;

This compliant solution is categorized as a POSIX solution because it returns EINVAL and EIO , which are defined by POSIX (IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition) but not by the C Standard.

Risk Assessment

Failing to test for error conditions can lead to vulnerabilities of varying severity. Declaring functions that return an errno with a return type of errno_t will not eliminate this problem but may reduce errors caused by programmers' misunderstanding the purpose of a return value.




Remediation Cost









Automated Detection





LDRA tool suite 634 SPartially Implemented

Related Vulnerabilities

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.

Related Guidelines

SEI CERT C++ Coding StandardDCL09-CPP. Declare functions that return errno with a return type of errno_t
ISO/IEC TR 24772:2013Ignored Error Status and Unhandled Exceptions [OYB]


[IEEE Std 1003.1:2013]