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The C rules and recommendations in this wiki are a work in progress and reflect the current thinking of the secure coding community. Because this is a development website, many pages are incomplete or contain errors. As rules and recommendations mature, they are published in report or book form as official releases. These releases are issued as dictated by the needs and interests of the secure software development community.
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Front Matter
Back Matter
As of 9/28/2018, the CERT manifest files are now available for use by static analysis tool developers to test their coverage of (some of the) CERT Secure Coding Rules for C, using many of 61,387 test cases in the Juliet test suite v1.2.
Secure Coding in C and C++ identifies the root causes of today's most widespread software vulnerabilities, shows how they can be exploited, reviews the potential consequences, and presents secure alternatives.
Contact us if you
- have questions about the Secure Coding wiki
- have recommendations for standards in development
- want to request privileges to participate in standards development
We acknowledge the contributions of the following folks , and we look forward to seeing your name here as well.
1 Comment
Robert Seacord
Try to post comments on leaf nodes, or as close as possible. If you have a comment about a specific rule or recommendation, for example, please post a comment on that page. If you think that we should add a new rule or recommendation to a particular section, please post a comment on the section heading.