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Tool Version: 1.66



arrayIndexOutOfBounds ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts
arrayIndexOutOfBoundsCond ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts
arrayIndexThenCheck ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts EXP42-C. Do not compare padding data EXP46-C. Do not use a bitwise operator with a Boolean-like operand
ignoredReturnValue EXP12-C. Do not ignore values returned by functions
leakReturnValNotUsed MEM31-C. Free dynamically allocated memory when no longer needed
leakReturnValNotUsed EXP12-C. Do not ignore values returned by functions
memsetValueOutOfRange INT31-C. Ensure that integer conversions do not result in lost or misinterpreted data
negativeArraySize ARR32-C. Ensure size arguments for variable length arrays are in a valid range
negativeIndex ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts
nullPointer EXP34-C. Do not dereference null pointers
nullPointerDefaultArg EXP34-C. Do not dereference null pointers
nullPointerRedundantCheck EXP34-C. Do not dereference null pointers
outOfBounds ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts
possibleBufferAccessOutOfBounds ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts
shiftNegative INT34-C. Do not shift an expression by a negative number of bits or by greater than or equal to the number of bits that exist in the operand
shiftTooManyBits INT34-C. Do not shift an expression by a negative number of bits or by greater than or equal to the number of bits that exist in the operand
uninitdata EXP33-C. Do not read uninitialized memory
uninitMemberVar EXP33-C. Do not read uninitialized memory
uninitstring EXP33-C. Do not read uninitialized memory
uninitStructMember EXP33-C. Do not read uninitialized memory
uninitvar EXP33-C. Do not read uninitialized memory
zerodiv INT33-C. Ensure that division and remainder operations do not result in divide-by-zero errors
zerodivcond INT33-C. Ensure that division and remainder operations do not result in divide-by-zero errors