Variadic functions access their variable arguments by using va_start() to initialize an object of type va_list, iteratively invoking the va_arg() macro, and finally calling va_end(). The va_list may be passed as an argument to another function, but calling va_arg() within that function causes the va_list to have an indeterminate value in the calling function. As a result, attempting to read variable arguments without reinitializing the va_list can have unexpected behavior. According to the C Standard, 7.16, paragraph 3 [ISO/IEC 9899:2024],

If access to the varying arguments is desired, the called function shall declare an object (generally referred to as ap in this subclause) having type va_list. The object ap may be passed as an argument to another function; if that function invokes the va_arg macro with parameter ap, the representation of ap in the calling function is indeterminate and shall be passed to the va_end macro prior to any further reference to ap.

295) A pointer to a va_list can be created and passed to another function, in which case the original function can make further use of the original list after the other function returns.

Noncompliant Code Example

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int contains_zero(size_t count, va_list ap) {
  for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
    if (va_arg(ap, double) == 0.0) {
      return 1;
  return 0;

int print_reciprocals(size_t count, ...) {
  va_list ap;  
  va_start(ap, count);

  if (contains_zero(count, ap)) {
    return 1;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    printf("%f ", 1.0 / va_arg(ap, double));

  return 0;

Compliant Solution

The compliant solution modifies contains_zero() to take a pointer to a va_list. It then uses the va_copy macro to make a copy of the list, traverses the copy, and cleans it up. Consequently, the print_reciprocals() function is free to traverse the original va_list.

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int contains_zero(size_t count, va_list *ap) {
  va_list ap1;
  va_copy(ap1, *ap);
  for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
    if (va_arg(ap1, double) == 0.0) {
      return 1;
  return 0;
int print_reciprocals(size_t count, ...) {
  int status;
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, count);
  if (contains_zero(count, &ap)) {
    printf("0 in arguments!\n");
    status = 1;
  } else {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      printf("%f ", 1.0 / va_arg(ap, double));
    status = 0;
  return status;

Risk Assessment

Reading variable arguments using a va_list that has an indeterminate value can have unexpected results.




Remediation Cost









Automated Detection







Use of <stdarg.h> Feature

Cppcheck Premium


Helix QAC



C++3146, C++3147, C++3148, C++3149, C++3167

Parasoft C/C++test



Use macros for variable arguments correctly

Polyspace Bug Finder


CERT C: Rule MSC39-C

Checks for:

  • Invalid va_list argument
  • Too many va_arg calls for current argument list

Rule partially covered.

TrustInSoft Analyzer


variadicExhaustively verified.

Related Vulnerabilities

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.


[ISO/IEC 9899:2024]Subclause 7.16, "Variable Arguments <stdarg.h>"


    • Needs a better title. Should be precise about what exactly is the problem.
    • According to C99, calling va_args on ap is not undefined, but rather indeterminate. Should quote the relevant passage in C99. I think the problem calls when variadic function f() calls g(), g() calls va_arg() at least once, does not call va_end(), and returns to f(), then f() calling va_arg() is indeterminate. It is OK for f() to call va_end(), however (according to my interpretation of the standard.)
    • The intro is rather cryptic. For instance what is ap? some variable in the standard?
    • I think that calling va_end() twice is also undefined, but is not what this rule warns about. The NCCE does this.
  1. Unknown User (astromme)

    I've revised the title and introduction; hopefully they are clearer now.

    I also changed the CS so that the copy is made within contains_zeroes, because that makes it clearer how contains_zeroes is meant to be used.

      • The title is better, but still unclear, prob s/va_args()/va_arg()/
      • Good change on the CS. But it still needs some work as you can still wind up calling va_end() twice.
  2. I would recommend to avoid relying on semantics like those implemented in contains_zero() in the compliant solution. Instead, callers should defensively assume that the callee modifies the va_list argument and pass to it a copy before manipulating the original. (I.e., just as when invoking one of the C standard library functions that take a va_list argument, such as vsprintf().)

    Incidentally, this guideline covers undefined behavior 129. Besides this problem, UB 131 and UB 134 are common bugs as well. It would be nice to extend the scope of this guideline and discuss them as well.

    int print_reciprocals(int count, ...) {
      int status;
      va_list ap1;
      va_list ap2  
      va_start(ap1, count);
      va_copy(ap2, ap1);
      if (contains_zero(count, ap2))
        status = 1;
      else {
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
          printf("%f ", 1.0 / va_arg (ap1, double));
        status = 0;
      return status;
    • The NCCE's intro text is inaccurate, it needs to s/undefined/indeterminate/. (The standard is very precise about the meaning of these terms.)
    • I'm curious as to what actually happens in the NCCE...can you provide an Implementation Details section explaining what the program behavior is on Windows or Linux?
  3. va_copy does not exist in MSVC, so the CCE is not particularly useful there.

    1. va_copy is in C11 (and prob C99 too). I suppose a Windows-specific CS would be in order here.

      Then again, how heavily are varargs used in Windows? I'd guess not muich.

      1. In C code; I would guess (based off nothing at all), they're used about the same amount as on other platforms.  I've seen it used in a handful of code bases myself.  I'll think about a CS for Windows and see if I can come up with one.

        1. So this is not portably possible in Visual Studio until Visual Studio 2013 is released.  On some platforms, you can simply assign the va_list, but on others platforms (notably ARM and x64) it may not be safe.  Once 2013 is released, we should revise this rule.

  4. Hi, I have a question about the NCCE.   

    The type va_list is used for argument pointer variables and I noticed that contains_zero() pass va_list by value, not referenced. Does contains_zero(count, ap) affect what `ap` point to?  

    The compliant solution makes a copy to the va_list( can be interpreted as assign), the change to dest va_list won't affect the original va_list,  is there any difference between passing by value and making a copy to the va_list?  

    Please help clarify, many thanks!

    1. Variable argument lists are a bit of a strange beast because each architecture does them slightly differently. Because C doesn't have the notion of references, you would think passing a non-pointer value means that the passed object cannot be changed by the caller, but that's not true with variable argument lists because they're essentially magic. This is why the standard explicitly calls out this behavior in the text quoted in the intro paragraph.