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Subclause of the C Standard [ISO/IEC 9899:2011] defines ungetc() as follows:

The ungetc function pushes the character specified by c (converted to an unsigned char) back onto the input stream pointed to by stream. Pushed-back characters will be returned by subsequent reads on that stream in the reverse order of their pushing. A successful intervening call (with the stream pointed to by stream) to a file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or rewind) discards any pushed-back characters for the stream. The external storage corresponding to the stream is unchanged.

One character of pushback is guaranteed.

Consequently, multiple calls to ungetc() on the same stream must be separated by a call to a read function or a file-positioning function (which will discard any data pushed by ungetc()).

Likewise, for ungetwc(), C guarantees only one wide character of pushback (subclause Consequently, multiple calls to ungetwc() on the same stream must be separated by a call to a read function or a file-positioning function (which will discard any data pushed by ungetwc()).

Noncompliant Code Example

In this noncompliant code example, more than one character is pushed back on the stream referenced by fp:

FILE *fp;
char *file_name;

/* Initialize file_name */

fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
  /* Handle error */

/* Read data */

if (ungetc('\n', fp) == EOF) {
  /* Handle error */
if (ungetc('\r', fp) == EOF) {
  /* Handle error */

/* Continue */

Compliant Solution

If more than one character needs to be pushed by ungetc(), then fgetpos() and fsetpos() should be used before and after reading the data instead of pushing it back with ungetc(). Note that this solution applies only if the input is seekable.

FILE *fp;
fpos_t pos;
char *file_name;

/* Initialize file_name */

fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
  /* Handle error */

/* Read data */

if (fgetpos(fp, &pos)) {
  /* Handle error */

/* Read the data that will be "pushed back" */

if (fsetpos(fp, &pos)) {
  /* Handle error */

/* Continue */

Remember to always call fgetpos() before fsetpos(). (See FIO44-C. Only use values for fsetpos() that are returned from fgetpos().)

Risk Assessment

If used improperly, ungetc() and ungetwc() can cause data to be truncated or lost.




Remediation Cost









Automated Detection





CodeSonar9.0p0(customization)Users can implement a custom check that triggers a warning when ungetc() is called twice on the same stream without an intervening call to a read function or a file-positioning function.



Can detect simple violations of this recommendation. In particular, it warns when two calls to ungetc() on the same stream are not interspersed with a file-positioning or file-read function. It cannot handle cases where ungetc() is called from inside a loop

LDRA tool suite9.7.1

83 D

Partially implemented

Related Vulnerabilities

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.


[ISO/IEC 9899:2011]Subclause, "The ungetc Function"


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