Do not use functions that input characters and convert them to integers if the functions cannot handle all possible inputs. For example, formatted input functions such as scanf()
, fscanf()
, vscanf()
, and vfscanf()
can be used to read string data from stdin
or (in the cases of fscanf()
and vfscanf()
) other input streams. These functions work fine for valid integer values but lack robust error handling for invalid values.
Alternatively, input character data as a null-terminated byte string and convert to an integer value using strtol()
or a related function. (See ERR34-C. Detect errors when converting a string to a number.)
Noncompliant Code Example
This noncompliant code example uses the scanf()
function to read a string from stdin
and convert it to a long
. The scanf()
and fscanf()
functions have undefined behavior if the value of the result of this operation cannot be represented as an integer.
long num_long; if (scanf("%ld", &num_long) != 1) { /* Handle error */ }
In general, do not use scanf()
to parse integers or floating-point numbers from input strings because the input could contain numbers not representable by the argument type.
Compliant Solution (Linux)
This compliant example uses the Linux scanf()
implementation's built-in error handling to validate input. On Linux platforms, scanf()
sets errno
if the result of integer conversion cannot be represented within the size specified by the format string [Linux 2008]. Note that this solution is platform dependent, so it should be used only where portability is not a concern.
long num_long; errno = 0; if (scanf("%ld", &num_long) != 1) { /* Handle error */ } else if (ERANGE == errno) { if (puts("number out of range\n") == EOF) { /* Handle error */ } }
Compliant Solution
This compliant example uses fgets()
to input a string and strtol()
to convert the string to an integer. Error checking is provided to make sure the value is a valid integer in the range of long
char buff[25]; char *end_ptr; long num_long; if (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), stdin) == NULL) { if (puts("EOF or read error\n") == EOF) { /* Handle error */ } } else { errno = 0; num_long = strtol(buff, &end_ptr, 10); if (ERANGE == errno) { if (puts("number out of range\n") == EOF) { /* Handle error */ } } else if (end_ptr == buff) { if (puts("not valid numeric input\n") == EOF) { /* Handle error */ } } else if ('\n' != *end_ptr && '\0' != *end_ptr) { if (puts("extra characters on input line\n") == EOF) { /* Handle error */ } } }
Note that this solution treats any trailing characters, including whitespace characters, as an error condition.
Risk Assessment
Although it is relatively rare for a violation of this recommendation to result in a security vulnerability, it can easily result in lost or misinterpreted data.
Recommendation | Severity | Likelihood | Remediation Cost | Priority | Level |
INT05-C | Medium | Probable | High | P4 | L3 |
Automated Detection
Tool | Version | Checker | Description |
Axivion Bauhaus Suite | 7.2.0 | CertC-INT05 | |
CodeSonar | 8.3p0 | MISC.NEGCHAR | Negative Character Value |
Compass/ROSE | Can detect violations of this recommendation. In particular, it notes uses of the | ||
Helix QAC | 2024.4 | C5005 | |
LDRA tool suite | 9.7.1 | 44 S | Enhanced Enforcement |
Parasoft C/C++test | 2024.2 | CERT_C-INT05-a | Avoid using unsafe string functions that do not check bounds |
PC-lint Plus | 1.4 | 586 | Fully supported |
Related Vulnerabilities
Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.
Related Guidelines
SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard | VOID INT05-CPP. Do not use input functions to convert character data if they cannot handle all possible inputs |
MITRE CWE | CWE-192, Integer coercion error CWE-197, Numeric truncation error |
David Svoboda
This rule needs to make clearer exactly what is verbotem in the
family. My interpretation is that one must not pass as input parameter a pointer to any integer smaller than intmax_t (signed or unsigned), because a smaller integer might not be able to hold the object read in, resulting in undefined behavior.On second thought, both intmax_t and uintmax_t are also insufficient, because uintmax_t can't hold -1 and intmax_t can't hold UINT_MAX. So maybe this vul is unavoidable and we should forbid using scanf() on all ints, like the CCE illustrates.
So can scanf() be done securely on ints?
David Svoboda
rcs sez:
> i think we are telling people not to use scanf() because you can't check for invalid values, and its > a rule. at least the remediation cost is appropriately given as "high".
Aaron Ballman
Removing my comment as it does not apply.