Signed character data must be converted to unsigned char before being assigned or converted to a larger signed type. This rule applies to both signed char and (plain) char characters on implementations where char is defined to have the same range, representation, and behaviors as signed char.

However, this rule is applicable only in cases where the character data may contain values that can be interpreted as negative numbers. For example, if the char type is represented by a two's complement 8-bit value, any character value greater than +127 is interpreted as a negative value.

This rule is a generalization of STR37-C. Arguments to character-handling functions must be representable as an unsigned char.

Noncompliant Code Example

This noncompliant code example is taken from a vulnerability in bash versions 1.14.6 and earlier that led to the release of CERT Advisory CA-1996-22. This vulnerability resulted from the sign extension of character data referenced by the c_str pointer in the yy_string_get() function in the parse.y module of the bash source code:

static int yy_string_get(void) {
  register char *c_str;
  register int c;

  c_str = bash_input.location.string;
  c = EOF;

  /* If the string doesn't exist or is empty, EOF found */
  if (c_str && *c_str) {
    c = *c_str++;
    bash_input.location.string = c_str;
  return (c);

The c_str variable is used to traverse the character string containing the command line to be parsed. As characters are retrieved from this pointer, they are stored in a variable of type int. For implementations in which the char type is defined to have the same range, representation, and behavior as signed char, this value is sign-extended when assigned to the int variable. For character code 255 decimal (−1 in two's complement form), this sign extension results in the value −1 being assigned to the integer, which is indistinguishable from EOF.

Noncompliant Code Example

This problem can be repaired by explicitly declaring the c_str variable as unsigned char:

static int yy_string_get(void) {
  register unsigned char *c_str;
  register int c;

  c_str = bash_input.location.string;
  c = EOF;

  /* If the string doesn't exist or is empty, EOF found */
  if (c_str && *c_str) {
    c = *c_str++;
    bash_input.location.string = c_str;
  return (c);

This example, however, violates STR04-C. Use plain char for characters in the basic character set.

Compliant Solution

In this compliant solution, the result of the expression *c_str++ is cast to unsigned char before assignment to the int variable c:

static int yy_string_get(void) {
  register char *c_str;
  register int c;

  c_str = bash_input.location.string;
  c = EOF;

  /* If the string doesn't exist or is empty, EOF found */
  if (c_str && *c_str) {
    /* Cast to unsigned type */
    c = (unsigned char)*c_str++;

    bash_input.location.string = c_str;
  return (c);

Noncompliant Code Example

In this noncompliant code example, the cast of *s to unsigned int can result in a value in excess of UCHAR_MAX because of integer promotions, a violation of ARR30-C. Do not form or use out-of-bounds pointers or array subscripts:

#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
static const char table[UCHAR_MAX + 1] = { 'a' /* ... */ };

ptrdiff_t first_not_in_table(const char *c_str) {
  for (const char *s = c_str; *s; ++s) {
    if (table[(unsigned int)*s] != *s) {
      return s - c_str;
  return -1;

Compliant Solution

This compliant solution casts the value of type char to unsigned char before the implicit promotion to a larger type:

#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
static const char table[UCHAR_MAX + 1] = { 'a' /* ... */ };

ptrdiff_t first_not_in_table(const char *c_str) {
  for (const char *s = c_str; *s; ++s) {
    if (table[(unsigned char)*s] != *s) {
      return s - c_str;
  return -1;

Risk Assessment

Conversion of character data resulting in a value in excess of UCHAR_MAX is an often-missed error that can result in a disturbingly broad range of potentially severe vulnerabilities.




Remediation Cost









Automated Detection





char-sign-conversionFully checked
Axivion Bauhaus Suite


CertC-STR34Fully implemented
MISC.NEGCHARNegative Character Value

Can detect violations of this rule when checking for violations of INT07-C. Use only explicitly signed or unsigned char type for numeric values


MISRA C 2012 Rule 10.1

MISRA C 2012 Rule 10.2

MISRA C 2012 Rule 10.3

MISRA C 2012 Rule 10.4


Essential type checkers

Cppcheck Premium






Fully implemented

2.95 and later


Detects objects of type char used as array indices

Helix QAC


C2140, C2141, C2143, C2144, C2145, C2147, C2148, C2149, C2151, C2152, C2153, C2155



LDRA tool suite

434 S

Partially implemented
Parasoft C/C++test2024.2


Cast characters to unsigned char before assignment to larger integer sizes
An expressions of the 'signed char' type should not be used as an array index
Cast characters to unsigned char before converting to larger integer sizes

PC-lint Plus



Partially supported

Polyspace Bug Finder


CERT C: Rule STR34-CChecks for misuse of sign-extended character value (rule fully covered)


char-sign-conversionFully checked
TrustInSoft Analyzer


out of bounds readPartially verified (exhaustively detects undefined behavior).

Related Vulnerabilities

CVE-2009-0887 results from a violation of this rule. In Linux PAM (up to version 1.0.3), the libpam implementation of strtok() casts a (potentially signed) character to an integer for use as an index to an array. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by inputting a string with non-ASCII characters, causing the cast to result in a negative index and accessing memory outside of the array [xorl 2009].

Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website.

Related Guidelines



  1. The way it's phrased this rule would lead one to believe that casting a char value to any unsigned type before converting it to a larger signed type will prevent sign extension. In fact, to prevent sign extension, a char value must be cast to unsigned char.

    For example, in the non-compliant example below the result of the cast of *s to unsigned int may result in a value in excess of UCHAR_MAX due to integer promotion, thus causing the function to violate ARR30-C. Guarantee that array indices are within the valid range, leading to undefined behavior.

    static const char table[UCHAR_MAX] = { /* ... * };
    int first_not_in_table(const char *str) {
      const char *s = str;
      for (; *s; ++s) {
        if (table[(unsigned)*s] != *s)
          return s - str;
      return -1;

    The compliant solution is to cast the char value to unsigned char before allowing it to be implicitly promoted to a larger unsigned type.

    static const char table[UCHAR_MAX] = { /* ... * };
    ptrdiff_t first_not_in_table(const char *str) {
      const char *s = str;
      for (; *s; ++s) {
        if (table[(unsigned char)*s] != *s)
          return s - str;
      return -1;
    1. Martin,

      I updated this guideline based on your comment. If you are happy with the changes, I'll go ahead and remove the comment.


      1. Thanks for updating the wording! FWIW, the example was just for illustration and I didn't mean to suggest that it be added – it seems somewhat redundant (although unlike the Bash bug, it does demonstrate undefined behavior).

    2. I believe the table array in this example should be declared with UCHAR_MAX+1 elements; otherwise, accessing the element at index UCHAR_MAX leads to undefined behavior.

      1. I've corrected the issue, thank you for pointing it out!

  2. For the compliant soluation:

    static const char table[UCHAR_MAX] = { /* ... * };
    ptrdiff_t first_not_in_table(const char *str) {
      const char *s = str;
      for (; *s; ++s) {
        if (table[(unsigned char)*s] != *s)
          return s - str;
      return -1;

    The integer promotion should happened in the both operands of expression table[(unsigned char)*s] != *s. The table[(unsigned char)*s] and *s(right) should be promoted to int type. So this should be non-compliant, right?

    1. The problem is not that the comparison might fail, it is that s might be an invalid array index (if converted from plain char to int). This is especially likely if s is EOF (or some other signed char less than 0).

      1. Yes, I see. I meant the char array itself table[(unsigned char)*s] and *s (right of != ) should also be non-compliant case. Refer to the Integer promotions of c standard(

        Integer promotion is the implicit conversion of a value of any integer type with rank less or equal to rank of int or of a bit field of type _Bool, int, signed int, unsigned int, to the value of type int or unsigned int.

        The char array table[(unsigned char)*s] and *s would also be cast to int type implicitly. And this really break the rule and wasn't pointed out in this rule. Does this make sense?

        1. Thanks, that does make sense.

          This rule does not address this issue because it is not a problem. The C standard provides strict guidance to platforms for how to promote a char expression, and the guidance may promote a plain char to an unsigned or signed int, depending on platform-specific details. On 32- and 64-bit Intel platforms (Windows, Mac, or Linux), char is signed and promotes to signed int. See INT02-C. Understand integer conversion rules for details about integer promotion.

          The reason there is no problem with the comparison is that the expressions on both sides of the comparison both evaluate to plain char, so they will be promoted to the same type, and will preserve the value. Which means the != (comparison) operation will behave as expected.

          1. Just want to make things be more clear. (smile)

            Thanks, that does make sense.

            Do you mean we should report defects for this kind of case for this rule?

            and more specific, could you kindly look at the folloing case and help judge if we shall report defects pointed in the comments? thanks a lot~

            int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
                char a;
                char b;
                if ((a == b) &&   // shall we report defects for `a` and `b` here?
                    (a == '\0')) {  // shall we report defect here for `a`?
               return 0;

            1. The cases to report is when a non-unsigned char is cast to an int and a negative value could be misinterpreted as a positive value. And that never happens in your code. (Yes, there is implicit integer promotion but a compliant compiler will handle that case correctly.)

  3. "Signed character data must be converted to unsigned char before being assigned or converted to a larger signed type"

    I believe there is typo here. It should be

    "Signed character data must be converted to unsigned char before being assigned or converted to a larger unsigned type"

    Similarly, the rule heading should also be updated to say

    "STR34-C. Cast characters to unsigned char before converting to larger unsigned integer sizes"

    1. The first noncompliant code example demonstrates a plain char being incorrectly promoted to a (signed) int. It is incorrect because char point 255 (0xFF) can be conflated with -1.  So this rule applies to larger signed types as well as unsigned types.

      1. So this rule is to avoid sign extension.

        I don't see why we need to avoid it, except for the few instances shown in this page.

        There are a lot of situations where sign extension is required.

        1. Sign extension is a perfectly fine thing to use when doing number-to-number helps preserve the values of signed integers, and it preserves the bit-pattern if you convert between signed and unsigned.

          It is problematic when dealing with characters however, especially because fgetc() and its ilk return a nonnegative number when reading a valid char, and EOF (-1). That is what this rule focuses on.