Serialization can be used maliciously, for example, to violate the intended invariants of a class. Deserialization is equivalent to object construction; consequently, all invariants enforced during object construction must also be enforced during deserialization. The default serialized form lacks any enforcement of class invariants; consequently, programs must not use the default serialized form for any class with implementation-defined invariants.

The deserialization process creates a new instance of the class without invoking any of the class's constructors. Consequently, any input validation checks in constructors are bypassed. Moreover, transient and static fields may fail to reflect their true values because such fields are bypassed during the serialization procedure and consequently cannot be restored from the object stream. As a result, any class that has transient fields or that performs validation checks in its constructors must also perform similar validation checks when being deserialized.

Validating deserialized objects establishes that the object state is within defined limits and ensures that all transient and static fields have secure values. However, fields that are declared final with a constant value will always be restored to the same constant value after deserialization. For example, the value of the field private transient final n = 42 after deserialization will be 42 rather than 0. Deserialization produces default values for all other cases.

Noncompliant Code Example (Singleton)

In this noncompliant code example [Bloch 2005], a class with singleton semantics uses the default serialized form, which fails to enforce any implementation-defined invariants. Consequently, malicious code can create a second instance even though the class should have only a single instance. For purposes of this example, we assume that the class contains only nonsensitive data.

public class NumberData extends Number {
  // ... Implement abstract Number methods, like Number.doubleValue()...

  private static final NumberData INSTANCE = new NumberData ();
  public static NumberData getInstance() {
    return INSTANCE;

  private NumberData() {
    // Perform security checks and parameter validation

  protected int printData() {
    int data = 1000;
    // Print data
    return data;

class Malicious {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    NumberData sc = (NumberData) deepCopy(NumberData.getInstance());
    // Prints false; indicates new instance
    System.out.println(sc == NumberData.getInstance());  
    System.out.println("Balance = " + sc.printData());

  // This method should not be used in production code
  public static Object deepCopy(Object obj) {
    try {
      ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      new ObjectOutputStream(bos).writeObject(obj);
      ByteArrayInputStream bin =
          new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray());
      return new ObjectInputStream(bin).readObject();
    } catch (Exception e) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

Compliant Solution

This compliant solution adds a custom readResolve() method that replaces the deserialized instance with a reference to the appropriate singleton from the current execution. More complicated cases may also require custom writeObject() or readObject() methods in addition to (or instead of) the custom readResolve() method.

public class NumberData extends Number {
  // ...
  protected final Object readResolve() throws NotSerializableException {
    return INSTANCE;

More information on singleton classes is available in MSC07-J. Prevent multiple instantiations of singleton objects.

Noncompliant Code Example

This noncompliant code example uses a custom-defined readObject() method but fails to perform input validation after deserialization. The design of the system requires the maximum ticket number of any lottery ticket to be 20,000 and the minimum ticket number be greater than 0. However, an attacker can manipulate the serialized array to generate a different number on deserialization. Such a number could be greater than 20,000 or could be 0 or negative.

public class Lottery implements Serializable {	
  private int ticket = 1;
  private SecureRandom draw = new SecureRandom();

  public Lottery(int ticket) {
    this.ticket = (int) (Math.abs(ticket % 20000) + 1);

  public int getTicket() {
    return this.ticket;	

  public int roll() {
    this.ticket = (int) ((Math.abs(draw.nextInt()) % 20000) + 1);
    return this.ticket;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Lottery l = new Lottery(2);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

Compliant Solution

Any input validation performed in the constructors must also be implemented wherever an object can be deserialized. This compliant solution performs field-by-field validation by reading all fields of the object using the readFields() method and ObjectInputStream.GetField constructor. The value for each field must be fully validated before it is assigned to the object under construction. For more complicated invariants, validating before assignment may require reading multiple field values into local variables to enable checks that depend on combinations of field values.

public final class Lottery implements Serializable { 
  // ...
  private synchronized void readObject( s)
                       throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = s.readFields();
    int ticket = fields.get("ticket", 0);
    if (ticket > 20000 || ticket <= 0) {
      throw new InvalidObjectException("Not in range!");
    // Validate draw
    this.ticket = ticket;

Note that the class must be declared final to prevent a malicious subclass from carrying out a finalizer attack (see OBJ11-J. Be wary of letting constructors throw exceptions for more information about finalizer attacks). For extendable classes, an acceptable alternative is to use a flag that indicates whether the instance is safe for use. The flag can be set after validation and must be checked in every method before any operation is performed.

Additionally, any transient or static fields must be explicitly set to an appropriate value within readObject().

Note that this compliant solution is insufficient to protect sensitive data (see SER03-J. Do not serialize unencrypted sensitive data for additional information).

Compliant Solution (Transient)

This compliant solution marks the fields as transient, so they are not serialized. The readObject() method initializes them using the roll() method. This class need not be final because its fields are private and cannot be tampered with by subclasses, and its methods have been declared final to prevent subclasses from overriding and ignoring them.

public class Lottery implements Serializable {
  private transient int ticket = 1;
  private transient SecureRandom draw = new SecureRandom();

  public Lottery(int ticket) {
    this.ticket = (int) (Math.abs(ticket % 20000) + 1);

  public final int getTicket() {
    return this.ticket;

  public final int roll() {
    this.ticket = (int) ((Math.abs(draw.nextInt()) % 20000) + 1);
    return this.ticket;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Lottery l = new Lottery(2);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
          throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this.draw = new SecureRandom();

Compliant Solution (Nonserializable)

This compliant solution simply does not mark the Lottery class serializable:

public final class Lottery {	
  // ...

Noncompliant Code Example (AtomicReferenceArray<>)

CVE-2012-0507 describes an exploit that managed to bypass Java's applet security sandbox and run malicious code on a remote user's machine. The exploit deserialized a malicious object that subverted Java's type system. The malicious object was an array of two objects. The second object, of type AtomicReferenceArray<>, contained an array, but this array was also the first object. This data structure could not be created without serialization because the array referenced by AtomicReferenceArray<> should be private. However, whereas the first object was an array of objects of type Help (which inherited from ClassLoader), the AtomicReferenceArray<>'s internal array type was Object, enabling the malicious code to use AtomicReferenceArray.set(ClassLoader) to create an object that was subsequently interpreted as being of type Help object with no cast necessary. A cast would have caught this type mismatch. This exploit allowed attackers to create their own ClassLoader object, which is forbidden by the applet security manager.

This exploit worked because, in Java versions prior to 1.7.0_02, the object of type AtomicReferenceArray<> performed no validation on its internal array.

public class AtomicReferenceArray<E> implements {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -6209656149925076980L;

  // Rest of class...
  // No readObject() method, relies on default readObject

Compliant Solution (AtomicReferenceArray<>)

This exploit was mitigated in Java 1.7.0_03 by having the object of type AtomicReferenceArray<> validate its array upon deserialization. The readObject() method inspects the array contents, and if the array is of the wrong type, it makes a defensive copy of the array, foiling the exploit. This technique is recommended by OBJ06-J. Defensively copy mutable inputs and mutable internal components.

public class AtomicReferenceArray<E> implements {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = -6209656149925076980L;

  // Rest of class...

   * Reconstitutes the instance from a stream (that is, deserializes it).
   * @param s the stream
  private void readObject( s)
    throws, ClassNotFoundException {
    // Note: This must be changed if any additional fields are defined
    Object a = s.readFields().get("array", null);
    if (a == null || !a.getClass().isArray())
      throw new"Not array type");
    if (a.getClass() != Object[].class)
      a = Arrays.copyOf((Object[])a, Array.getLength(a), Object[].class);
    unsafe.putObjectVolatile(this, arrayFieldOffset, a);

Risk Assessment

Using the default serialized form for any class with implementation-defined invariants may result in the malicious tampering of class invariants.




Remediation Cost









Automated Detection



Serialization not disabled

Parasoft Jtest
CERT.SER07.RRSCDefine a "readResolve" method for all instances of Serializable types

Related Guidelines


CWE-502, "Deserialization of Untrusted Data"

Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE, Version 5.0

Guideline 8-3 / SERIAL-3: View deserialization the same as object construction


[API 2014]

Class Object
Class Hashtable

[Bloch 2008]

Item 75, "Consider Using a Custom Serialized Form"

[Greanier 2000]

[Harold 2006]

Chapter 11, "Object Serialization"

[Hawtin 2008]

Antipattern 8, "Believing Deserialisation Is Unrelated to Construction"

[Rapid7 2014]

Metasploit: Java AtomicReferenceArray Type Violation Vulnerability


  1. No No NO!!!

    The example here is all about hashCode implementations, and their possible dependency on per-execution values (for example, use of the reference to an object as its hash code). The fix presented is to remove the per-execution dependency. That works, but has nothing to do with not using the serialized form. This example should move over to MET19-J, where we talk about immutability of hash codes.

    This rule would do better to maintain some other invariant (perhaps singleton?), where the necessary fix involves custom serialization/deserialization (perhaps with readResolve).

    1. old text moved to MET19-J. New example written for this guideline.

    • Note that the custom serialization methods must be declared final to prevent a malicious subclass from overriding them.

    Sounds unnecessary.

    • getField() methods

      should probably be the OIS.GetField constructor.
  2. the second sentence ("However, ... serialization.") in the following paragraph is a little strange.

    Validating deserialized objects establishes that the object state is within defined limits and ensures that all transient and static fields have their default secure values. However, fields that are declared final and contain a constant value will contain the proper value rather than the default value after serialization. For example, the value of the field private transient final n = 42 will be 42 after deserialization rather than 0. Deserialization produces default values for all other cases.

    we should say "after DEserialization"?

    actually on my understanding we can rewrite it as,
    "However, we don't need to validate fields that are declared final and contain a constant value because those fields will contain the proper value rather than the default value after deserialization."

    1. You understand the paragraph correctly. I tried to rewrite it to be more clear.

      1. I'm not sure yet if I understand correctly (-:

        However, fields that are declared final with a constant value will still contain that value after serialization.

        can we rewrite the sentence above with the following?

        • However, fields that are declared final with a constant value will be restored to the same value after deserialization.

        my concern is why "after serialization", not "after deserialization".

  3. In the NumberEnum compliant solution, readResolve is unnecessary, will never be called (enums are handled specially) and even if this were a class it would be defeatable with a back reference. Also number should be private.

    In the first Lottery compliant example, a ticket 0 is producible with a back reference.

    In the second Lottery compliant example, although a subclass cannot tamper with the fields, it doesn't need to as it can override all of the instance methods. Also gets odd results with Integer.MIN_VALUE. Can also have a 0 ticket and the initialiser expression on ticket is pointless.

    The last compliant example is spot on. (wink)

    1. In the NumberEnum compliant solution, readResolve is unnecessary, will never be called (enums are handled specially) and even if this were a class it would be defeatable with a back reference. Also number should be private.

      The readResolve() works by itself to thwart a duplicate instance, no enum necessary. Removed the enum from 1st CS.

      In the first Lottery compliant example, a ticket 0 is producible with a back reference.

      Correct, a deserialization of ticket 0 is not prevented by our compliant solution. The solution only prevents deserialization of tickets outside the range [0, 20000]. Perhaps we need some text to explain this? Or just prevent 0 from being a valid ticket value.

      In the second Lottery compliant example, although a subclass cannot tamper with the fields, it doesn't need to as it can override all of the instance methods. Also gets odd results with Integer.MIN_VALUE. Can also have a 0 ticket and the initialiser expression on ticket is pointless.

      Made the methods final to prevent malicious sublcasses.

      The last compliant example is spot on.

      Well, at least we got something right. (smile)

      1. The readResolve still doesn't work. An adversary can slide in a back reference before readResolve is called.

        1. If I understand this correctly, the adversary would subclass Lottery and provide his own malicious readObject method. The malicious readObject creates the bogus ticket and assigns a reference to the bogus ticket off into a global variable somewhere (or into a globally visible data structure, or whatever). Hence, by the time readResolve is called, the damage has already been done.

          Is that correct, or am I still totally confused?

          1. There's no need to subclass Lottery (although that would also work). All that's required is for an object read during deserialisation of the Lottery object to read a back reference. The Lottery instance will have been created, but readObject/default deserialisation not exited, so the readResolve will not have been called yet. Remember (contrary to comments in Effective Java 2nd Ed), even if Lottery has no fields, the serial form of the object stream need not exactly match that of the "latest" class loader. A cheaply repeatable race would probably also work (we do protect against calling defaultReadObject/readFields from another thread).

            1. "All that's required is for an object read during deserialisation of the Lottery object to read a back reference."

              An object in this case would be some other object (call it otherO) that contains a reference to the bogus ticket. Right? otherO would presumably be referred to by a field in the bogus ticket, thus forcing it to be deserialized before deserialization of the bogus ticket is complete. And, of course, the attacker can trivially be in complete control of the readObject method of otherO (not to mention the remaining methods of otherO's class.

              An attacker who can do this winds up with a correctly constructed instance of otherO that holds a reference to the bogus ticket, even after Lottery's readResolve replaces the bogus ticket with a good one.

              It appears that this means there's no defense against maliciously crafted object streams, other than ensuring that such crafted streams cannot be presented in the first place. sigh

            2. So the subclassing attack I describe above would work, but is needlessly complicated for the attacker. Right?